Friday 8 November 2013

Friday Faves: Top 10 Best Songs With Flowers In the Title

Each week in Friday faves, we step outside the box a little bit and make a list of our favourite things. So far, we've covered our top 10 flower quotes. We're going to keep it in the realm of arts & entertainment this week, but branch out from the spoken word to the sung word. Here are our top ten favourite songs that have either the word 'flower' or a specific plant in the title.

Throughout the history of rock, flowers have been a useful inspiration for artists to draw on. They're an easy metaphor to make and ... Flowers' appearances in the music of the 1960s was a natural, as they were closely linked with the 'flower power' movement, the Haight-Ashbury scene, Woodstock and all that. But even since then there have been some great tunes as well.

Without further ado, let's get this show on the road:

10.  Poison - Every Rose Has It's Thorn
Okay, this song has not aged well. At well. But it's still one of the quintessential power ballads of the 80s and surely is still played at weddings of aging headbangers across the nation.

9. Outkast - Roses
As the follow-up to Outkast's monumental hit "Hey Ya," this song didn't quite reach the same heights... and its lyrics are quite silly... but it's kind of fun.

A song that almost singlehandedly sums up the hippy-dippy era mentioned above.

If you were around in 1994/95 you'll recall how totally inescapable this song was, permeating every area of pop culture and radio format until you completely could not stand it anymore. Does that make it good? 

6. Pete Seeger/Peter, Paul & Mary - Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
This song was originally written by folk legend Seeger, but folkie trio Peter, Paul & Mary recorded what is likely the best-known and most enduring version of this song that's been covered a million times since then. 

5. The Doors - Hyacinth House
One of The Doors' more spacey later tracks, with an amazing vocal delivery from Jim Morrison... and apparently, despite the somewhat simplistic lyrics, the song is actually rife with meaning.

4. Travis - Flowers in the Window
This track from pre-Coldplay pop rockers scores points for making great use of the banjo and being as catchy as anything. 

3. White Stripes - Blue Orchid
One of the Detroit duo's most successful singles, with mind-bending guitar sounds and a powerful beat that earned it a ton of radio play upon its release. 

2. The Grateful Dead - Sugar Magnolia
A classic cut from the Dead's classic American Beauty album, with an upbeat tone and a relatively straightforward studio performance.

1. The Foundations - Build Me Up Buttercup 
Did you know that the Buttercup is a flower? This author had always assumed it was just a pet name for the singer's spurning lover. Turns out it's the common name for a Ranunculus. Huh. You learn something every day.

Bloomex wishes you a fantastic weekend. Take care, everybody.

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